How to lead your own group Sing Your Love Holy Hour

*Feel free to copy/paste and print the following to use as a guide in your group Holy Hour!

This Holy Hour can be made either when Our Lord is enthroned on the Altar in the Monstrance, or if there is not a Priest or Deacon present, the Holy Hour can be made while Our Lord is hidden in the Tabernacle.

If a Priest or Deacon is not present, omit the Exposition and Benediction hymns/prayers.

O Salutaris Hostia


  • Sing Your Love

    Leader: “Join with me in Singing the Sing Your Love Prayer”

    (can be prayed either spoken or in song—together)

    Jesus, I love You! Jesus, I love You!
    Let every beat of my heart, and every breath I take a thousand times repeat this act of love.
    I love You, Jesus, in the Most Blessed Sacrament!

  • A Eucharistic Act of Consecration to Mary (pg. 67, Sing Your Love—together)

    Most Holy Mother Mary, new Eve and Spouse of the Holy Spirit, I entrust and consecrate my life and vocation to your Immaculate Heart. May I be a tiny spark that shoots forth from your blazing furnace of your beautiful Heart. May His innocent Blood continue to plead for my salvation in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. May His Eucharistic light pierce the darkness of my mind. May His Eucharistic power heal and transform me and the lives of all those broken by sin, and may His Eucharistic Love bring about His Eucharistic Reign of holiness of love in every human heart, and bring peace and unity to the Church.

  • Acceptance Prayer for The Disciples of Our Eucharistic Lord (pg. 71, Sing Your Love)

    If you are not yet a registered Disciple feel free to just listen as we renew our commitment to the Lord.

  • The Holy Rosary (to be read aloud by the Leader)

    Leader: As you meditate on the mysteries, try to direct all of your attention towards loving Our Eucharistic Lord, quenching His thirst for love. Look at Him and think about how much you love Him in each mystery.”

  • Quiet Adoration** 20-30 minutes (the following to be read aloud by the Leader):

    Leader: ”During this quiet adoration time—

    Look at Him; look at Him with love. Know that this is Jesus. The exact same Jesus that walked this earth 2000 years ago. He is here. It is Him in His entirety, even though He is veiled by bread. He is looking at you. His eyes, His ears, His mouth. All of His facial features are present.

    He is looking at you and He loves you.

    You are consoling Him. As you gaze on Him with love, grace goes out to the whole world, and souls are being saved.

    This is the greatest gift you can give the world—to love and adore our humble Eucharistic Lord. This is what will crush the head of Satan, and bring the Father’s Kingdom to earth.”

  • Act of Consecration of love to Our Eucharistic Lord (pg. 75, Sing Your Love—together)

  • Litany to the Sacred and Eucharistic Heart of Jesus (pg. 76, Sing Your Love—together)

  • Sing Your Love (can be prayed either spoken or in song together)
    Jesus, I love You! Jesus, I love You!
    Let every beat of my heart, and every breath I take a thousand times repeat this act of love.
    I love You, Jesus, in the Most Blessed Sacrament!

Tantum Ergo

The Divine Praises
Holy God We Praise Thy Name